
The example "Absolute Chronology"

The claim that the absolute chronology in geo-scientific research is a fiction while in the presence of a geologist gets you a weary smile at the most. Geologists must assume absolute conditions for determining time by means of radioactive elements and therefore they believe that their measurement samples correspond to a closed system,

  • i. e. never have been disturbed in their composition - over billions of years.
  • that the measured concentrations of products resulting from radioactive decay have been produced exclusively in the sample itself - over billions of years.
  • that the decay rate of the radioactive elements in the sample was and always is constant.

The last assumption in particular (constant radioactive decay rates) is considered by all scientists to be as self-evident as the sunrise in the east.

This widespread assumption is opposed by measured and measurable facts which confirm the fictional character of all absolute chronology.
Take the Supernovae (star explosions) as examples:
Fact is that any observable Supernova causes powerful neutrino-showers that are penetrating the earth.
Fact is that the decay of radioactive elements increases dramatically through contact with neutrinos.
Fact is that, as a result, the concentrations of radioactive decay products increase drastically and abruptly over a short period of time (seconds to minutes), and fact is that geology is misled by this short-term increase in radioactive decay rates and therefore measures "geological times" that never have existed.

Historians and archaeologists who like to use the Radiocarbon (C-14) method are also deceived by this "absolute geological time determination".