The example "Plate Tectonics"
Plate tectonics serve as a fundamental basis for today's modern geo-scientific research.
It states, for example, that all the mountainous formations on our planet have been formed through the constant movement of plates of the earth's mantle.
Hardly any geologist in the world would question the basic correctness of the plate tectonic hypothesis, despite all the initial and growing contradictions.
The evidence delivered by measuring GPS point movements silenced most critics.
Geology's momentous fallacy:
Even if many GPS measuring points show a directed movement (many measuring points are displaced contrary to the direction required by the plate tectonic hypothesis),
it cannot be deduced from this that an earth crust plate moves as a compact unit or even subducts.
The latter is supported by the plate tectonic hypothesis, in order to compensate for claimed increase in earth crust in the central rift zones.
Measurements concerning plate tectonics with "seafloor spreading and subduction", with the ratio of active and passive zones, deep sea and continental drilling, pull the theory of plate tectonics to pieces. Geology is getting awfully close to disgrace itself. With the collapse of the hypothesis of plate tectonics it loses its so stubbornly and aggressively defended time scale with its included billions of years, and at the same time all its hypotheses constructed therein.
Paleontology, a branch of the geosciences, has the difficult task of filling hypothetical "geologic periods" with "life" and explaining its allegedly numerous disappearances. One should ask paleontologists and geologists, disregarding all trouble in explaining, to quit authoring any more embarrassing publications (in so-called renowned scientific journals), which can be described as unrealistic or even absurd.
Care for some examples?
- "Dinosaurs were farting themselves to death": According to the flatulence idea, the giant lizards passed gas until their food was no more!
New Scientist, Vol 167, No 2251 (2000), S.96 - "Elefant und Nashorn gehören zu den typischen Vertretern der Fauna des Eiszeitalters in Eurasien"
Menia D.: Auf den Spuren der Urmenschen, Berlin 1980 - "Große Trockenheit und Temperaturen weit unter dem Gefrierpunkt ertrugen diese Tiere mit stoischer Gelassenheit ... die Dauerfrostzonen reichten mehrere hundert Meter
tief in den Erdboden hinein. Entscheidend für den Charakter des Ökosystems ist aber die Dauer der Kälteeinwirkungen - Jahrtausende oder Jahrzehntausende"
Internetmeldung vom Informationsdienst Wissenschaft 26.9.1999